Nursery 2024 - 2025
Ms Agnew
Nursery Teacher
“We Share, We Value, We Respect”
Dear Parents/Carers September 2023
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new parents and children to St. Mary’s School. We hope you all managed to make the most of the summer and are ready for an exciting first year of school. The children have been busy exploring their new classroom and outdoor area during their ‘Play and Stay’ sessions and we are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning and fun!
We thought it would be useful to tell you about some of the things that we do in our Nursery Class and how you can best support your child.
Children should only bring essential equipment to school such as: coat, water bottle, bag with a change of clothing in case of accidents (which can be kept on your child’s peg). St. Mary’s book bags can be purchased at the school office and are £4.50. In view of this, large bags are NOT required nor permitted. Thank you for your support in this matter.
The School Day
Your child’s start time is from 8.45am to 8.55am and departure time 3:25pm. Your child will be dropped off at the Nursery door, where we will show them to our carpet area. Please collect your children from the Nursery playground at the end of the day.
Snacks are provided for Nursery children free of charge. The children will receive fruit and milk each day. Please also remember that we are a nut free school, therefore any food that the children bring into school should not contain nuts of any kind.
Thank you for all the effort which has gone into preparing your child for the start of the new term. Please ensure that you label all clothing with your child’s name, including shoes. Please remember that jewellery is not permitted at school.
Reading is a vital element of primary education and it is our aim to promote a love of books and literature from a young age. Once the children have settled into their new school and routines, we will send further information about school reading books. Reading to your child or discussing picture books with them is a great way to promote positive engagement with books.
If your child requires an inhaler, please can you ensure that it is in school, labelled and in date. Please ensure school staff are aware of any medical conditions regarding your child, or any known allergies.
Nursery Fund
Can I thank the Parents who have kindly donated towards the Nursery fund. The generosity of your voluntary donations is much appreciated and helps to enrich the Nursery curriculum. This can be paid in cash, £40 for the year. If you wish to pay in smaller instalments, please speak to a member of staff in the office/over the telephone.
Home Time Safe Guarding Procedures
If you are unable to collect your child at the end of the day, it is essential that you have introduced us to the other friends and family that will be coming to school, or alternately provide us with a password that can be used by anyone collecting your child.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child, please contact me via the school office and I will get back to you as soon as possible, which will likely be by telephone.
Thank you for your support to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our school community. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to ask.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Agnew Mrs Devine Miss Lydon
Nursery Teacher Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant