Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hesford
Year 3 Class Teacher
“We Share, We Value, We Respect”
September 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you and your families are keeping well and enjoyed the summer and the sunshine.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming all of the children back to school. We hope that they are looking forward to a successful year ahead of them filled with challenge and fun, we certainly are! We thought it would be useful to tell you about some of the things that we do in Year 3 and how you can best support your child. We hope this information helps you to feel prepared for their return to school and brings some reassurance by answering some questions you may have about the year ahead for your child. Your involvement and interest in your child’s education is most welcome and encouraged.
Snacks are not provided by school in Key Stage 2, but you can send in a piece of fruit or a healthy snack bar for your child to eat during break time. We are a healthy school and therefore no crisps, chocolate or chocolate coated snacks are permitted. Please also remember that we are a nut free school and so no food that the children bring into school should contains nuts (snack or packed lunch boxes).
Homework is given out on a Monday every week apart from the week before a holiday.
- Maths you will find online on (log in and passwords will be sent out in the reading record books).
- Times tables practise will also be given each week as preparation for a weekly test (on Mondays).
- Spellings are given on a sheet listing words each week for the whole half term and these will be tested each Friday.
- In addition, across the year the children will be given the opportunity to complete some Home Learning Projects, which will help to develop their own inquiry and research skills. It is important that any piece of homework is completed to a high standard and your support in this would be very much appreciated. At the end of a unit the children are given the opportunity to present their finished project to the rest of the class. This is always a really positive experience which is enjoyed both by the class audience and the proud children as they each show their work.
Another highlight to Year 3 is the Sacramental Programme. If your child is taking part in this year’s course, please check the parish website for information throughout the year or pick up a newsletter at mass. This is an important and wonderful part of their faith journey at this age and something that we hope many of the children will take part in.
Please ensure that all items of school uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name; this also includes ties, coats, PE kits and shoes. We also hope that you will continue to support the school policy by removing earrings from your child before sending them to school. PE kits are required to be in school and stay in school throughout the term. Then the children bring them home to be washed during the holidays.
Punctuality and attendance is of great importance and therefore please ensure your child is on time for school every day as lateness does disrupt learning opportunities. Please be punctual when dropping off your child and collecting them and as ever please try to help your child attend as much as possible.
In order to keep the children safe it is also essential that we are informed if an adult other than the usual person is collecting your child from school. Please let us know in the morning or phone the office to let us know of any changes, otherwise we are unable to send a child home until we have contacted parents to confirm the arrangements.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child please feel free to approach us at the end of the day. If unavailable at that time, or this is not convenient for you, then please make an appointment via the school office.
We look forward to working with both you, and your child, and hope between us we can make it a happy and enjoyable year.
Kindest regards,
Mrs C Hesford (class teacher) & Mrs. Sikking (teaching assistant)