Year 5 2024 - 2025

Miss Norwood

Year 5 Teacher

“We Share, We Value, We Respect”


September 2023                  

Dear Parents/Carers,                     


I hope that you and your families have had a relaxing and wonderful summer. As the school year begins, I would like to introduce myself your child’s class teacher. I am very much looking forward to the year ahead and I hope that they are looking forward to a fun, challenging and successful year. The following letter will seek to answer any questions you might have about what to expect this year.



Homework will be set for the children on a Monday to be completed and handed in on the following Friday. This will usually include an online maths homework which you will find online on (log in and passwords will be sent out in the reading record books). The children will also have weekly spellings to practise. Spellings for each half term will be stuck in your child’s homework book and sent home with them.


There will also be opportunities to pursue different projects for their topics, this will help to develop their own inquiry and research skills. It is important that any piece of homework is completed to a high standard and your support in this would be very much appreciated.



PE will take place on both Monday’s and Thursday’s. PE kits are required to be in school and stay in school throughout the term. Please ensure that all items of school uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name; this also includes coats, PE kits and shoes. We also hope that you will continue to support the school policy by removing earrings from your child before sending them to school.


Collecting & dropping off children

In order to keep the children safe it is essential that we are informed if an adult other than the usual person is collecting your child from school. Please let us know in the morning or phone the office to let us know of any changes, otherwise we are unable to send a child home until we have contacted parents to confirm the arrangements.


Please ensure that your child is on time for school, as when children are late it can make it difficult for them to settle in the mornings. Children should be in school for 8.55 am.  If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to talk to me at the end of the day.  If it is more appropriate, appointments can also be made at the office.


I look forward to working with you to ensure a happy and successful year.


Kind Regards,

Miss Norwood Year 5 teacher    



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