A strong Parent/Teacher Association operates within the school and all parents are automatically members of the Association when their child starts school.

Membership is free.

The aim of the Association is to establish, through social and fund-raising activities, a closer co-operation between parents and school for the greater benefit of the children.

 All teachers, parents and carers of our school community automatically become members of the PTA, please feel free to join us at our meetings. You will be made to feel welcome. 


If you would like to make any suggestions for events or anything else with regard to the P.T.A. please speak to a member of the committee or any member of school staff.

Thank you for your continued, generous support.

 “On our journey of faith, with Jesus as our guide, we share friendship, value learning and show

respect for ourselves and others, as we live, learn, play, work and pray together in our community.”