Emotionally Friendly School

St Mary’s are pleased to inform you that as a school we have been accrediated the Bronze award for Emotionally Friendly Schools. 

Emotionally Friendly Schools (EFS) is an initiative developed by Salford Educational Psychology Service in collaboration with schools. The aim of this process is to promote positive emotional wellbeing in school and identify and support any difficulties that arise early. The EFS process focuses on 4 key areas:

  • Staff Wellbeing and School Ethos
  • Classroom Practice
  • Assessing Children’s Needs
  • Supporting Individual Children

As part of this process we have been asked to collect data from children and staff in school to help measure the impact of this work.

Staff in school are continuing to work hard to make St Mary’s an emotionally friendly school. We are striving to ensure that your child’s emotional wellbeing is looked after and supported.

As ever please contact your child’s class teacher as the first step if you are concerned about your child’s emotional wellbeing.

Your emotionally friendly school champions are

Mrs Potts  (Deputy head)

Mrs Bates (teacher/ SENDCo)

Miss Lydon (TA)

Mrs Smyth  (TA)

Mrs Wilde (SEN Govenor)


If you would like to know more about this process, please speak to our champions.